Monday, June 8, 2009

Hunter pets

Hey readers,

Got Beast Mastery today. First thing I did was tame me an albino dinosaur to add to my collection. That now makes 4 pets, all of them white. I've had the White Tiger since STV (called him Ghost), but the Polar Bear and the Snowy Owl (Phantasm and Spectre respectively) are fairly recent additions from Winterspring. So when I got the dinosaur today I decided he had to have a similar name.

Sadly my guildes (shout out to the people of Hells Pain!) were not following the same train of thought so I had to resort to Wikipedia for inspiration. Luckily I found the perfect name: Wraith. He is still a little under level (I'm at 62, Wraith is 56) and he doesn't hold agro at the moment like Phantasm does but we are working out the kinks in our relationship at a great pace.

Now all I need is 150 gold for the final spot in the stables and I'll have 5 different pets. Going to have to change their talent points when I get to 80 so they all have a role to play but that is still 18 levels away so I'll have a look at that when I finally get there. For now I'll keep an eye on how Wraith differs from Ghost so I can play up to his strengths. I have to admit, he does rip through demons fairly well. Just need to teach him to keep them off my back for longer. Can't shoot very well when I am running away.

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