Saturday, June 27, 2009


Oh yeah! Supernova was insane! First time I had been to the official Nerd convention and it definitely won't be the last. Had heaps of fun, made fun of the stinking furrys (or is that furries) and admired the effort the faithful put into their costumes. That reminds me, I need to research a costume for next year. Yeah, I'm considering it.

So I took a few photos on my trusty iPhone of the event, but I spent too much time slack-jawed and drooling to do very much. Karl Urban was the highlight of the event... well, he was supposed to be, but after listening to what Jake Lloyd (Anakin from the Phantom Menace) had to say about life after Star Wars (and speaking with him afterwards... he's a nerd and not afraid to admit it!) the line up for Karl Urban was stupidly long so I had to make do with the following interaction:

But I did get to see Richard Hatch (Apollo from the original Battlestar Galactica and Tom Zerich from the new one) and see some of what he had to do to get the new series on air. The guy is totally driven to do what he wants! Oh yeah, this is him signing autographs:

Not only were there people to listen to and admire, we had stalls selling everything from Twilight posters to Twilight mugs and Twilight keyrings... yes, there was a hell of alot of Twilight for sale. But that didn't stop the hardcore Pop culture fans getting their revenge!!

Hehehehe, yeah. Love that shirt. But there were other things on sale as well. Anime, Sci-Fi and gaming were all heavily represented by both the sellers and the fans. Major props to the organisers for running such a well-oiled machine. EB, Sega, Upper Deck, AMD, Kings Comics... soooo much to see, so little money to spend.

I do have to give a BIG THUMBS DOWN to the Upper Deck crew. They were rude and totally unhelpful. Not that I care for my sake. Fuck, they could tell me to piss off and I would shrug and walk away. But what if a young child (of which there were plenty) walked up when I did, only to be told "No, we can't help. We get to have lunch too you know." Who even asked you, crazy Upper Deck witch? I was reading your advertising material! And then we have the Upper Deck TCG tournament organiser. I was referred to him for a different event, but one that he was situated at anyway, and I was abruptly told that "My question did not concern him" and I had to ask someone else... WTF dude? Are you representing your company at all well? Was sitting at your computer doing JACK SHIT that involved you couldn't say the proper 3 words that would solve my dilemma?? Sorry Upper Deck, but you have got to hire staff that actually GIVE A FUCK!!!

Despite that, and the goddamn unholy furries (you are not a cat/dog/wolf!! You are a person!! you cannot have sex with a cat/dog/wolf!!) that seemed to be everywhere I turned, I had a very enjoyable day. To John and Natalie, thanks for the company. :P

Friday, June 26, 2009

The end of an era

So the place I work is closing down, changing hands, moving forward...

I'm just going to stop there for a second... WTF is with "Moving forward"?? I first heard it from my bosses boss a few months ago and now I can't go a whole damn day without hearing someone say it. Why would anyone say "Moving forward"?? We know we are moving forward!! It would be bloody useless moving backwards!!

*cough* Sorry about that. Back to it.

So, it looks like I'll be taking a cut in hours (Boo!!) but I'll be able to spend more time at home gaming (Hooray!!) And with the new WoW patch introducing mounts for the lower levels I'll be able to get my alts moving through the game faster than ever before. Plus I'll have Assassins Creed 2 and Starcraft 2 to sink my teeth into when they are released! Release the games already! I'm dying over here!!

Anywho, I'll be posting about Supernova in a couple of days (Woohoo!!) and I'll hopefully have a few blurry pictures to post as well. Catch you then!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Leveling Game (aka Altitis)

Started playing my little mage a bit more recently. My warlock has had a work out here and there as well. Not sure what happened, haven't done the dailys on my DK for about a week (although I did jump on him for the Midsummer quests and finished them within the day - Go team proto-Drake!!) and my hunter has stalled at 64.

I guess I have altitis again. Maybe I should see the doctor.

On a more serious note, I've started leveling my mage as Frost and I've been pleasantly surprised. Only level 11, so I've taken 2 points in Frostbite and even though it is only a 10% chance to proc it seems to work on every second mob or so. Not that I'm complaining mind you, I love being able to load up another fireball or 2 before I have to do some backpedaling.

As for the warlock I'm heading down the Demonology tree. I haven't played a Demonologist until now (my original Warlock is Affliction and I could never change that) so I'm still getting used to a different rotation of DoTs, but it seems to be going well. Can't wait for the Felguard and eventually Metamorphosis (Demon form, power up!) but seeing as I'm only at lvl 25 there it might still be a while.

Heading off into Azeroth again for another exciting day of Barrens chat. See you all on the other side!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sleeping in WoW

I reckon I could sleep while playing my hunter in Warcraft. Seriously. I would lay my head down on the keyboard and because I am a restless sleeper I would be casting special arrows and moving in totally random patterns. With my bear at my side (or up in front tanking where he belongs) I am unstoppable! Well, almost, but those few deaths don't count.

Looks like it is time for another installment of WoW and Burn Notice, so I will have to write more later, perhaps about how many levels I gain whilst asleep tonight.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Screenshots. That what this post is all about.

I've had some fun times in WoW, some really weird ones, but I am always on the lookout for unusual pics. Here are a few that I like:

Always wanted to be 007, but I didn't have the stomach to handle the torture. MI6 tossed me out right after this.

Helping out the Goblin Engineers testing their new rapid transport system. Trying the rival the Deeprun Tram I guess.

The Legion of Terror invaded the stage at the Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftan concert in Terrokar Forest outside of Shattrath City. Not long after this security swarmed us under. I still reckon we were a better act.

Yeah, I'm crazy. But fun! (And yes, these are all setup shots, but that's the way the cookie crumbles after you dunk it in milk)

Hunter pets

Hey readers,

Got Beast Mastery today. First thing I did was tame me an albino dinosaur to add to my collection. That now makes 4 pets, all of them white. I've had the White Tiger since STV (called him Ghost), but the Polar Bear and the Snowy Owl (Phantasm and Spectre respectively) are fairly recent additions from Winterspring. So when I got the dinosaur today I decided he had to have a similar name.

Sadly my guildes (shout out to the people of Hells Pain!) were not following the same train of thought so I had to resort to Wikipedia for inspiration. Luckily I found the perfect name: Wraith. He is still a little under level (I'm at 62, Wraith is 56) and he doesn't hold agro at the moment like Phantasm does but we are working out the kinks in our relationship at a great pace.

Now all I need is 150 gold for the final spot in the stables and I'll have 5 different pets. Going to have to change their talent points when I get to 80 so they all have a role to play but that is still 18 levels away so I'll have a look at that when I finally get there. For now I'll keep an eye on how Wraith differs from Ghost so I can play up to his strengths. I have to admit, he does rip through demons fairly well. Just need to teach him to keep them off my back for longer. Can't shoot very well when I am running away.