So I took a few photos on my trusty iPhone of the event, but I spent too much time slack-jawed and drooling to do very much. Karl Urban was the highlight of the event... well, he was supposed to be, but after listening to what Jake Lloyd (Anakin from the Phantom Menace) had to say about life after Star Wars (and speaking with him afterwards... he's a nerd and not afraid to admit it!) the line up for Karl Urban was stupidly long so I had to make do with the following interaction:
But I did get to see Richard Hatch (Apollo from the original Battlestar Galactica and Tom Zerich from the new one) and see some of what he had to do to get the new series on air. The guy is totally driven to do what he wants! Oh yeah, this is him signing autographs:
Not only were there people to listen to and admire, we had stalls selling everything from Twilight posters to Twilight mugs and Twilight keyrings... yes, there was a hell of alot of Twilight for sale. But that didn't stop the hardcore Pop culture fans getting their revenge!!
Hehehehe, yeah. Love that shirt. But there were other things on sale as well. Anime, Sci-Fi and gaming were all heavily represented by both the sellers and the fans. Major props to the organisers for running such a well-oiled machine. EB, Sega, Upper Deck, AMD, Kings Comics... soooo much to see, so little money to spend.
I do have to give a BIG THUMBS DOWN to the Upper Deck crew. They were rude and totally unhelpful. Not that I care for my sake. Fuck, they could tell me to piss off and I would shrug and walk away. But what if a young child (of which there were plenty) walked up when I did, only to be told "No, we can't help. We get to have lunch too you know." Who even asked you, crazy Upper Deck witch? I was reading your advertising material! And then we have the Upper Deck TCG tournament organiser. I was referred to him for a different event, but one that he was situated at anyway, and I was abruptly told that "My question did not concern him" and I had to ask someone else... WTF dude? Are you representing your company at all well? Was sitting at your computer doing JACK SHIT that involved you couldn't say the proper 3 words that would solve my dilemma?? Sorry Upper Deck, but you have got to hire staff that actually GIVE A FUCK!!!
Despite that, and the goddamn unholy furries (you are not a cat/dog/wolf!! You are a person!! you cannot have sex with a cat/dog/wolf!!) that seemed to be everywhere I turned, I had a very enjoyable day. To John and Natalie, thanks for the company. :P